High Quality Geodetic Measurements Geodetic and Land Surveying Geoinformation Systems
Professional Training and Workshops

QGIS Training Course









KyrgyzGeoTech LLC jointly with ISR Consult LLC has conducted training course on fundamentls of GIS by using Quantum GIS for professionals of the ministries and state instituions in September 22 – October 5, 2020 within the “Technology Based Adaptation to Climate Change in rural areas of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan” (TCCA-RA) project supported by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). The outline for 80 hours of theoretical and practical training and learning materials developed by taking into account professioanl activitiy and interest of participants. The set of video courses are prepared for self learning of GIS by using open sourse software QGIS, which are available here >>>.

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